Ok, here's a simple reward challenge from designer Odin.
This was tipped off by reader Lee Phan, I haven't personally verified it but I'm sure Lee can be trusted? ^^
Here's what you need to do in order to get the Zoo Keeper papercrafts - this btw is based on a Flash-based game by kiteretsu.jp
1. You'll need to e-mail the designer at (odinsl@yahoo.com.tw) and request the pattern/template, make sure to put "Zoo Keeper" in the heading.
2. You'll need to assemble all of the papercraft animals (top pic), take a photo and send it to the designer. In return he'll send you two other models - Zoo Keeper?
3. Complete those two as well, take a pic, send to the designer and you'll receive the bonus model - a One Piece: Tony Tony Chopper papercraft.
That's it, good luck!
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